The English and I
Hello to all. In personal the english and I have never been friends, always and had a "cross-bar" with the english, from very small, it is for this for what always I have tried it to avoid, already be in the music, in readings, etc. And product of this "tranca" always me has been difficult to learn it, after entering to the university I began to do the idea of that the english serious something that always I would accompany and it is for this that and tried to be brought over to the Englishman specially by the music, but even like that it continues costing me very much and I me repent not having realized before the english is slightly very necessary (even that does not seem to my me likely). In addition, one of my dreams, as I said it in many blogs, it is to study in the diplomatic academy since the international relations it is a topic in that I am interested very much and serious a real dream to be able to devote to it, but obviously to be able to enter to...