
Hello friends!!!

One of the places that I would like to visit is France, because it is a country with history and a great quantity of different cultures like celtic, admixture of Italic (Romans) and Germanic (Franks) groups.

France is a country that possesses a great quantity of architectural important works as Tower Eiffel, Louvre, Notre-dame,  the palace of Versalles, cathedral Lyon, mount saint-michael.

I would like to be employed at France as diplomatic or at any thimg related to what I studied.

Besides the political point of view it is a very interesting country to study since it has a form of very singular government, therefore also I would like to know a bit more of the politics of this country and to study it.

Though France is the place to which more I am interested in going, on having been quite so nearby in Europe there exists the possibility of knowing other countries of this continent besides France.

The truth I do not know much about France and it is because of it that I would like to go to know and to learn of such a different culture. 

Resultado de imagen para franciaResultado de imagen para francia


  1. France is a very cool country, it's very interesting, I would like to visit in the future


  2. I would love it, in the future to know the Eiffel Tower ... and launch myself.


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