Personal Opinions

Hello, today they will be told all by my opinion about 4 controversial topics and discussions that are given in our country.

Resultado de imagen para rediablos The first one is on the hooligans, to the being a person that he likes much the football is a topic in that I am interested very much, though I condemn the violence that often these persons generate I defend the mysticism that these groups give him to the football, the canticles, canvans, flags and fireworks. And many of these groups of football fans have a great background, some of them realize activities in benefit to children of low resources or realize other activities of welfare. Not for some violent groups of football fans it is necessary to to condemn all.

The second topic about which he will speak will be on the legalization of the marijuana, it seems to me that as country we should legalize the marijuana already be for therapeutic purposes or for recreative, though the marijuana is a drug and as any drug we must try that the minor quantity of the population consumes. With the legalization of the marijuana it should lower the illegal sale of this one and would sell in a lawful way in before established places, of this form the consumption would be stopped in 18-year-old minors.
Resultado de imagen para marihuana

Now they dire my opinion about the armed forces and for this I would like to put as example to Costa Rica, a country that already decades ago does not possess armed forces and his country has seen big benefits of this. In addition, in our country what becomes exhausted as for armed forces is impressive and we all know that these armed forces are to the service of a sector of the company.
Resultado de imagen para milicogate

To finish he will speak on the governments of ultraright that have taken the power in America, undoubtedly this is worrying for the respect of the human rights in our region, especially for the minorities that have been attacked by these governments of ultraright, undoubtedly who we are of left side we must take measurements to stop this advance of the ultraright one and to begin to listen more to the persons.
Imagen relacionada


  1. Hi Seba!

    I think you're right about far rigth governments, is horrible how these presidents can move backwards all the progress we get on Human Rights issues.


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