My future

Hello again
Today I will speak to them what I would like it to do after going out of the university. When it finishes the university I would like to realize a postdegree and to be employed at advisings at the congress, the most probable thing is that this at all time in an office but equally I would like to have contact with the persons and listen that it is what they feel and think.
I love to travel therefore it would be perfect if it should travel, I would like to continue travelling constant to Chillán, my city.
Sincerely I have never thinking deeply the topic of the salary, but I sit that with a salary of a million weight. Also I would like to be employed at other places as for example at the diplomacy, I love the international politics and it would be a dream to be employed at something related already be in the diplomacy or in the State Department. Though it is something that I would like much, I see it very distant since the english is a problem for my jaja.
Another topic in that I am interested much is the defense, I have never been very a friend of the military world but the truth is that it is a topic in that I am interested very much.

Imagen relacionadaResultado de imagen para congreso de chile


  1. You have many options. I hope you can meet all

  2. Woahhh its sound very interesting work in the congress , but i think is stressed :(


  3. I would like to enter diplomacy, but I doubt it for the same reasons, English :c but I hope we can improve on that

  4. I think you would be an amazing public administrator, if you want a partner in your future job please call me

  5. Hi Sebastian!

    I think that been adviser at the Congress sounds like a very interesting and great job! I hope you can do it!



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